What is the ENHANCE Project?
ENHANCE: Exploration of Novel Harm Reduction Approaches to Increase Client Engagement
The purpose of the ENHANCE Project is to learn about harm reduction services, how to make them better and easier to use, and to reduce harms in the community, like overdose. The project is a continuation of previous work through the Rural Opioid Initiative (Thrive4Life), the iThrive WI Study, and other efforts to understand the challenges that people who use drugs face across Wisconsin. With this new study, we also hope to reach people who do not currently use harm reduction services, to learn about how we could make services more accessible for everyone.
The ENHANCE Project is a partnership between UW-Madison and Vivent Health.
How do I join the ENHANCE Project?
You may qualify for the ENHANCE Project if you are 18 years or older, you’ve used opioids or stimulants in the past 30 days, and you’re willing to visit Vivent Health in Green Bay, La Crosse, Madison, or Milwaukee. You can schedule an enrollment appointment by contacting Prevention Staff (Contact Information Here) and mentioning the ENHANCE Project.
Your appointment will take about 1.5 hours from start to finish. First, you will take a short survey to see if you are eligible to join the project. Then, you’ll learn more about the project, consent to participate if you wish, give us some contact information, and complete your first paid survey. If you complete all of these steps, you will be eligible to be paid $50.
Once you join the project, you will be able to take surveys for up to 2 years. There will be nine surveys available to you after your enrollment appointment. One survey per month will be available for you to take for each of the first five months of your participation. If you complete a survey, you can earn $20. Starting in month six, the surveys will be spread six months apart, and you can take four surveys, and earn $40 for each survey you complete.
After your first appointment, the other nine surveys can be completed from anywhere you have access to a device and internet